A Guide To Storing Valuable Items

Valuables, such as jewelry, artwork, fur coats, and electronics are items that not only have sentimental value but also monetary value. Figuring out where and how to store your expensive items can literally save you hundreds of dollars.

Preventing Moisture

You know those silica packets that come with your shoes? Don't throw them away. In fact, when storing your items, be sure to place that packet with your valuables. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, the silica acts as a dehydrator, absorbing all the gases and any moisture. This can prevent documents from being ruined, keep certain pieces of jewelry from oxidation, and preserve your electronics from getting damaged.

Knowing Where Your Stuff Is

When you are putting your things away for safe keeping, be sure to label each item. Create a spreadsheet, listing your inventory and where you have placed each piece. This will be useful in the future when you are trying to find a certain item. Be sure to keep this list in a secure place. You don't want the wrong person to have this knowledge.

Where to Store Your Items

You have several choices on where you could store your belongings. According to the Federal Deposit Insurance Cooperation, it is better to store your valuables at your local bank in a safety deposit box. Your precious objects will be heavily guarded, and the likelihood of them being taken are very slim. If you prefer to keep your valuables at home, get yourself a safe that can be bolted into the floor. The location of your home safe should be somewhere discrete to avoid temptation from strangers.

Where Not to Hide Your Items

If you don't want to store your items in any kind of safe, you are going to have to get creative. Don't hide your items behind paintings, in toilet tanks, under your mattress, or in coffee tins. An experienced burglar will make sure to scope these obvious hiding places out. Instead, try hiding some valuables in the freezer, using an old TV dinner box, or create a false back to a shelf.

Use a Storage Unit

Do you want to outsource the protection of your valuable items? Consider the benefit of getting a storage facility involved. That way, you will have the benefits of 24/7 security, temperature control, and perhaps insurance for your most valuable items. As long as you have convenient access, this is a great way to go for storage of valuable possessions. Just be sure to use a professional moving company for transport to and from the storage unit; they can help you ensure everything is wrapped correctly, and they will take ownership of moving heavy or valuable items safely into storage so that you don't have to worry about it.    
